"A Firm Regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)"

RICS Regulated Firm number 027461

For advice regarding construction, project management, quantity surveying, CDM Regulations, party wall awards or property owning issues in general.

Contact : Alan King BSc FRICS Chartered Quantity Surveyor
Langmon Surveyors
1 White Heather Court
Hythe Marina Village
SO45 6DT
Mobile : +44(0)7802 676555

VAT registration number: ­750 5151 57

RICS member since 1977 (membership number 52681)

Professional indemnity insurance is maintained excess of the minimum requirements of the RICS and details are available to Clients as required.

This web page is intended to provide key information to facilitate contact with private sector commercial clients, consultants and contractors. It is not really designed to promote Alan King to prospective clients. However, if you wish to discuss your project, he is always happy to talk. Why not telephone, send an email or arrange to meet up. He would be happy to help.